Street Lighting

Coming Soon!

In the spring of 2025, the DDA will begin installing elements of what it calls the Unification Beautification Project. As the name suggests, this initiative is a beautification effort designed to unify all the streets in Downtown into one cohesive district.

Key components of the plan include matching bike racks, trash cans, and benches, all made from durable, commercial-quality materials. Since the flowers under the trees have become problematic due to tree growth and the challenges of planting and maintenance, the Board has invested in a stylish solution. Several large, commercial-grade flower pots have been purchased and will be placed strategically throughout the district. These self-watering pots require minimal care and come with a lifetime warranty, ensuring their durability in all climates. This also opens the possibility of creating seasonal displays if desired.

Additionally, in 2025, the Main Street lampposts will be repainted for the first time in 17 years. These lampposts are uniquely Harbor Springs, and their care and preservation are a high priority. The color chosen is a calming slate blue, designated in the City Master Plan as an official Downtown color — a shade that complements both summer and winter skies while coordinating with the wayfinding signs.

Watch this space for photos!

Better yet, visit Downtown often to see for yourself the results of the Board's hard and thoughtful work.

3rd St Lighting

In late fall of 2024, as part of the DDA Plan, the City of Harbor Springs DDA completed phase one of the Third Street Lighting Project with the installation of ten new lamp posts. The lighting project, which began with the installation of twinkle lights in the trees and the addition of electrical sources, has now matured into a permanent solution that illuminates the sidewalk, enhances safety, and invites pedestrians to shop and stroll in the area.

The Weque-style lights, somewhat unique to the Harbor Springs area, blend well with other streetscape features and are designed for pedestrians rather than traffic. The dome-style shades direct light downward, aligning with dark sky initiatives. The lights were installed just in time to brighten some of the darkest evenings of the year.

In future phases, as electricity and funding become available, the Board plans to extend this lighting to all of Third Street and portions of Bay Street, following the Downtown Plan. For now, take an evening stroll — you can see the sidewalk!


Main Street Lights

Ambiance and visibility. An initiative completed in 2021 to replace the bulb fixtures of Downtown Harbor Springs’ elegant and understated light poles. The old bulb fixtures had outlived their usable life and had become unreliable. New fixtures to sit atop the usable existing light poles were selected for their thematic similarity to their new environment - a refined and historic downtown. Uniform light.